Saturday, September 4, 2010

Busy Little Bee

I've been quite busy lately. Work has had me quite busy and add in the animal care and housework, on top of getting my holiday presents started, I've been quite busy. I'm excited though. I'm getting stuff done and have been knitting a lot more than in years past.

With all the business comes stress, and with stress comes a little bit of a melt-down. I am currently medicated and the first time in, well forever, the combination works. That doesn't mean I have bad days, just days that aren't as extreme as they were prior to medication. I cope a lot better and I tend to get through things easier. The stress over the last few days has been overwhelming though. I am going up on my anti-anxiety medication and I am getting medication to try to help me sleep better.

I'm hopeful of things to come and hopeful that this will continue to be more and more manageable. Right now the fight in my head is one of therapy vs. no therapy. With bipolar disorder it is a given that I will always need medications, and therapy will help. I have been in therapy and know what it is to do, but a part of me thinks this is a time I need someone that doesn't know me to give me that little push. I'm seriously considering it's time again to lie on that proverbial couch.

Off to be social, which will be discussed later as it takes a lot to get me out and around more than 4 people at a time, and knit with friends. Well, I will knit and chat as it is comfortable to me.